My work is driven by my quest to evoke a feeling or mood of a moment. I invite the viewer to participate in the perceptual process of putting themselves in ...Read more...

the scene and ‘feel’ the moment, the time or place in their own unique way. My goal is to convey an experience of certain aesthetics, such as a splash of color, a painterly brush stroke or an inquisitive shape, rather than a literal narrative experience.

Oil paint allows me to honor the landscape by getting lost in the moment of mixing a beautiful color, using gestural brush strokes, and just letting life pause. By focusing on the sky I believe it becomes a metaphor for life: the calm, the power, the uncertainty, its’ beauty and all its’ possibilities. I strive to simplify, be present, to understand relationships and find the joy!

I live in Cranbury New Jersey with my husband, and I am my happiest getting lost in the clouds on the Jersey Shore, an open field or in the mountains of Colorado with the people I love.

Original Artwork